Monday, 14 December 2009


As our ideas and concept has developed we have altered and changed the shots that we wanted in the final video. This has meant that the music video will not follow exactly how we planned in our original storyborads. Howvere we feel that because we have incorporated our original ideas with the new they have created a more successsful result.
Currently we are editing the first set of film that we have taken. The editing process is where we are now changing and adapting how the final outcome will be. This is where we can change the colours and speeds of the shots to give the alternative result we are after.

Here are our original storyboards:

Monday, 7 December 2009

Dates of shooting/editing and deadlines.

At present most of our research is complete and up to date, we have organised our shot list, risk assessment, story boards, actors, date and time of filming and prop/location. This means that we are ready to film. Our chosen time to film is at night to add to the feeling of loneliness, and add to the dark, mysterious character that our actor is portraying. The date is 7th December, we plan to film tonight and have our rough cut complete by the 18th December, we hope before. 

21st January 2010.
We evaluated where we wanted to go from this date, we found that we did have our rough cut completed before christmas (the 18th December). However after working towards our final cut, we believe we needed more footage to ensure our aim for the narrative was spread out to the audience. We have filmed more footage and have nearly completed our final task. Our new deadline for our final cut is 5th February. The ancillary tasks need to be completed by the 12th February. We understand we need more detailed research in our ancillary tasks to ensure the main piece is backed up and the whole package is as good as we can. 

Shot list

Our shot list is quite repetitive as we wanted to show her life as it is repetitive. She does the same things over and over, we want to reflect how she feels trapped in this one room, where she works, sleeps, gets ready and eats. 

All shots are taken in the bedroom.
We want a variety of different close ups from all angles to give different view from all areas. Birds eye views will be best used to show her environment, for example the messy bedroom and to create a feeling of loneliness. Extreme close ups to show the audience the detail of the actor, and her emotion. Medium shots used to show the whole body of the actor or her surroundings.

Medium shot of girl in the bed.
Medium shot, camera zooms out.
Close up of her washing her face.
Close up of legs putting her tights on from the left.
Close up of legs putting her tights on from the right.
Close up of shoulder and bra strap.
Close up from her view looking down on the mess, reaches for the perfume, camera is jolty.
Close up of behind her.
Side close up, picks the perfume up, camera zooms in.
Perfume is sprayed from a point of view shot, the camera becomes her eyes.
Medium shot used of empty bedroom.
Close up of red lips.
Medium shot as she throws lipstick on the floor, slows down.
Birds eye view of messy bedroom.
Medium shot of her holding a top up to herself.
Medium shot used of empty bedroom.
Medium shot of her on the bed.
Close up of her face.
Close up of candle burning and make up.
Medium shot of her sitting on the bed.
Medium shot of her standing next to the bed.
Medium shot of her looking in the mirror.
Medium shot of her standing next to the bed.

The rest of our shots will be repeated in different orders and our editing is extremely important, we will be changing the colours (red is our prominent colour in some shots, highlighting her lips/ hair), textures and creating similarities and contrasts with the shots.

The colour red represents lust, poison, passion, anger, vibrancy and is very outstanding. This colour symbolises the emotions and feelings that the actor is going through day in, day out.

Actor and Costumes

Our chosen actor was based upon the criteria that we felt would fit in with our story boards, which is someone who is aesthetically good looking and quirky, also someone who is feminine but edgy. With this criteria we chose Emily Jeffery, she is perfect for our brief as she does performing arts and will not be afraid to "act" out what we would want for our music video and to make it the best that it can be. Her profile is tall, skinny, she has dark hair and a tattoo, however she has a very versatile look meaning we can adapt her to whatever style we want her to look like. Naturally she is a fiery character which will link to our feminism research of her having the "upper hand" in the situation we want to highlight in our video. Overall we believe as a group that this is the best choice we could have made. 

The costume which we are going for is very edgy and classy although bordering on trashy. We have tried to make it "fashion Vs art", with the character being a prostitute/escort. We didn't want to make it completely trashy, it then becomes more artistic, which will link to our experiences of being art students. We will be dressing our actor in one outfit in the whole of the video, changing only her make-up and hair. The outfit we have chosen are low denier tights, short skirt/dress, low cut top and platform heels, all in either black, grey or red, which is our chosen colour scheme.  

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Risk Assessment

Here is the risk assessment that we have completed. It analyses all the risks and accidents thats could occur during the filming of our video. 
It is useful to do this because it helps us to think about all the details linked to filming including how our creative thoughts have had an impact on the technical aspects of it.